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Maria Monsserat De La Cruz Mora
Latin American Studies Center -
University of Florida
Tren Maya:
Analyzing the ecological impacts of the Mayan Train on Mexicans in rural areas affecting indigenous communities.
The origins of the cultivation of Tren Maya, Tren Maya is not a new concept within Mexico it is the replaying of various bodies working together in opposition to the indigenous communities. Through forms of neoliberalism, governments have created a system of oppression through the creation of loopholes in established promises and policies.

The lack of involvement and political presence by indigenous communities in government continues to enhance the disparities within these same communities, Mexico according to Global America[1]n has one of the largest communities but is not present in government due to there not being ethnic quotas to ensure this branch of equality of representation. Such control has led to the indigenous population displacement and created hostile relations between indigenous communities and government agencies due to the internal pressure to grow and allow tourism to further develop.
[1] October 19, 2017 Click to read this article in Spanish Click to read this article in English. “Indigenous Political Representation in Mexico.” Global Americans, July 15, 2020.
Tren Maya or otherwise known as Proyecto de Reordenamiento Territorial del SurSureste was conceived as a new form of ecotourism under the mandate of the current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador established the MORENA party (Movimiento Regeneration Nacional), which translates to the National Regeneration Movement a social-democratic party.
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